GrowthTrack's purpose is to move people forward in their walk with God.  There are four parts to our GrowthTrack Program.
GT:101- I Got Saved!
These class are for new followers of Christ.  In this class you will receive a foundational, 6-week teaching on the fundamentals of following Jesus.  This class is also for those who feel a bit behind and need some basic teaching.   

GT:201- DNA of Neighborhood Church/What We Believe (Membership)
This 2-part class are for those who wish to become members of Neighborhood Church.  In Part 1, Pastor Jake gives a clear purpose of why we do what we do.  He walks you through mission, purpose, core values, and the importance of membership.  Part 2, Pastor Jake shares about the 16 Doctrinal Truths of the Assemblies of God.  These doctrinal truths are what we believe in and teach to our congregation.

GT:301- Finding My Gifts
When completed 101 and 201 it's time to know where God wants you to serve in the church.  We'll take you through a ministry gifts survey which will give you a solid idea of where you'd be great at serving.  We also teach the meaning and purpose on why each of us is to serve the Lord through the area of ministry and services.   

GT:401- On the Team
This isn't really class but more of training in the area, and meeting those who you would be serving with.  It's a time of learning your new ministry and becoming even more involved with the life of the church.  

GrowthTrack--let your journey begin!